Academic Requirements | Bellarmine College Preparatory Skip to main content


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Academic Requirements

Six courses/semester are required each year


  Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
English 2 semesters 2 semesters 2 semesters 2 semesters
Fitness & Health   1 semester   1 semester*
Language 2 semesters 2 semesters    
Mathematics 2 semesters 2 semesters 2 semesters  
Religious Studies 2 semesters 1 semester 2 semester 1 semester
Science 2 semesters 2 semesters 2 semesters  
Social Science 1 semester 2 semesters 2 semesters 2 semesters
Visual & Performing Art 1 semester     2 semesters**



* This Fitness and Health requirement may be taken prior to senior year.  It may be fulfilled by fully participating in two seasons of Bellarmine interscholastic (i.e., non-club) sports by the completion of the junior year.

** Visual and Performing Arts requirements may be taken prior to senior year.

Additional Academic and Elective Courses

Students choose from additional academic and elective course offerings to fulfill the requirement to enroll in six courses per semester junior and senior year. Additional academic courses may be selected from courses in the following departments: English, Mathematics, Modern and Classical Languages, Religious Studies, Science, and Social Science. Electives may be selected from courses in the following departments: Computer Science, Fitness and Health, Visual and Performing Arts, and Misc. Electives.

  • English - 8 semesters total
    • 2 semesters freshman year (English 1 or English 1 Honors)
    • 2 semesters sophomore year (English 2 or English 2 Honors) 
    • 2 semesters junior year (British Literature 1 or 2 + one semester-long elective OR British Literature 1 and 2 OR English Literature AP) 
    • 2 semesters senior year (two one-semester electives)
  • Fitness and Health - 2 semesters total
    • 1 semester sophomore year (Fitness and Health class) 
    • 1 semester freshman, sophomore, junior, OR senior year (one semester-long elective) *


    * Not all Fitness and Health course offerings fulfill this requirement, therefore it is important to review the comments included with the description of each elective to determine its applicability. This one semester-long elective may be waived by fully participating in two seasons of Bellarmine interscholastic (i.e. non-club) sports by the completion of the junior year.


  • Mathematics - 6 semesters
    • 2 semesters freshman year (as determined by ALEKS testing)
    • 2 semesters sophomore year 
    • 2 semesters junior year


    To be eligible for enrollment in math electives, as well as graduation, students must have demonstrated proficiency in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2.


  • Modern and Classical Languages - 4 semesters total
    • 2 semesters freshman year (one language course - American Sign Language, French, Latin, Mandarin Chinese, or Spanish)
    • 2 semesters of the same language sophomore year
  • Religious Studies - 6 semesters total
    • 2 semesters freshman year (1 semester of Hebrew Scriptures; 1 semester of Christian Scriptures)
    • 1 semester sophomore year (Creed, Community, Call)
    • 2 semesters junior year (1 semester of Christian Ethics; 1 semester of Social Justice)
    • 1 semester senior year (one semester-long elective)
  • Science - 6 semesters total
    • 2 semesters freshman year (Physics 9)
    • 2 semesters sophomore year
    • 2 semesters junior year


    To be eligible for graduation, students must have demonstrated proficiency in Physics 9, Chemistry, and Biology.


  • Social Science - 7 semesters total
    • 1 semester freshman year (World History: Axial Age to the 1700s or Rhetoric)
    • 2 semesters sophomore year (World History or World History AP)
    • 2 semesters junior year (U.S. History or U.S. History AP)
    • 2 semesters senior year (two one-semester long electives or one two-semester AP elective)
  • Visual and Performing Arts - 3 semesters* total
    • 1 semester freshman year (Foundations—Visual or Performing)
    • 2 semesters sophomore, junior or senior year (of the same discipline of art, and following your Foundation course)


    • 2 semesters freshman year
    • 2 semesters sophomore, junior or senior year


    *Students wishing to complete their VPA requirement through music courses will complete four semesters of instruction to do so because all music courses are year-long in length.


  • Counseling - 2 semesters total
    • 1 semester sophomore year (included within Fitness and Health class)
    • 1 semester junior year (included within Religous Studies class)